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Category Archives: Cash Management

What Cash Management Tools Are Available?

What Cash Management Tools Are Available?

There are a number of short-term cash management instruments available to the individual establishing a sound cash management program. These alternatives include money market mutual funds, Treasury bills, and certificates of deposit. Money market mutual funds simply pool investors’ dollars and purchase large denomination money market instruments. Individuals invest in the mutual fund for as […]

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How Long Will It Take to Double My Money?

How Long Will It Take to Double My Money?

Before making any investment decision, one of the key elements you face is working out the real rate of return on your investment. Compound interest is critical to investment growth. Whether your financial portfolio consists solely of a deposit account at your local bank or a series of highly leveraged investments, your rate of return […]

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How Can I Keep My Money from Slipping Away?

How Can I Keep My Money from Slipping Away?

As with virtually all financial matters, the easiest way to be successful with a cash management program is to develop a systematic and disciplined approach. By spending a few minutes each week to maintain your cash management program, you not only have the opportunity to enhance your current financial position, but you can save yourself […]

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How Much Do You Need To Save?

How Much Do You Need To Save?

One common rule of thumb in developing a retirement savings strategy is that your accumulated savings and other sources of income will need to replace about 80% of your pre-retirement income. This assumes that retirees may be able to maintain their standard of living with less income because their taxes could be lower, there would […]

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