The FIRE Movement: Financial Independence, Retire Early
Retiring decades early may seem attractive but it is loaded with risks. Beware of the pitfalls and risks before you commit.
read more »Retiring decades early may seem attractive but it is loaded with risks. Beware of the pitfalls and risks before you commit.
read more »Don’t automatically take retirement advise from family and friends. There are too many myths and misconceptions. Instead, rely on professional financial advisors and experienced attorneys as you navigate the transition.
read more »The benefits of exercise for senior health are profound. Yet too many retirees quit exercising, according to a new study. The findings underscore the need for accommodations and better programming specifically for seniors at health centers.
read more »The 4% rule is a common rule of thumb. As an example, assume you retired with an investment portfolio totaling $750,000. With this rule, you would be able to spend $2,500 per month without running out of money. This is the amount you could spend during the first year of retirement. In subsequent years, you […]
read more »The required minimum distribution (RMD) rules can be tricky. We receive many questions as to how much to take and when to take the distribution. The first required minimum distribution must be taken by April 1st of the year AFTER you tune age 73. Technically, the distribution is due December 31st of the year in […]
read more »Roth IRAs are tax-favored financial vehicles that enable investors to save money for retirement. They differ from traditional IRAs in that taxpayers cannot deduct contributions made to a Roth. However, qualified Roth IRA distributions in retirement are free of federal income tax and aren’t included in a taxpayer’s gross income. That can be advantageous, especially […]
read more »Most people have good intentions about saving for retirement. But few know when they should start and how much they should save. Sometimes it might seem that the expenses of today make it too difficult to start saving for tomorrow. It’s easy to think that you will begin to save for retirement when you reach […]
read more »A 401(k) plan is a self-directed, qualified retirement plan established by an employer to provide future retirement benefits for employees. Employee contributions are made on a pre-tax basis, and employer contributions are often tax deductible. If you have a Roth 401(k) option, contributions are made with after-tax dollars, but qualified distributions after age 59½ are free of […]
read more »When it comes to receiving the fruits of your labor — the money accumulated in your employer-sponsored retirement plan — you are faced with a few broad options. Should you take the payout as systematic payments, a lifetime annuity, or a lump sum? Systematic Withdrawals Some retirement plans may allow you to take systematic withdrawals: […]
read more »A self-employed retirement plan is a tax-deferred retirement savings program for self-employed individuals. In the past, the term “Keogh plan” or “H.R. 10 plan” was used to distinguish a retirement plan established by a self-employed individual from a plan established by a corporation or other entity. However, self-employed retirement plans are now generally referred to […]
read more »Securities and Advisory Services offered through Geneos Wealth Management Inc., Member FINRA and SIPC (The materials at this web site are maintained for the sole purpose of providing general information about the law and do not under any circumstances constitute legal advice. You should not act or refrain from acting based on these materials without first obtaining the advice of professional legal counsel. Please carefully read the terms and conditions for using this site. This website contains links to third-party websites. We are not responsible for, and make no representations or endorsements with respect to, third-party websites, or with respect to any information, products or services that may be provided by or through such websites.) © Copyright 1998-2002 by Silverman Financial, Inc. All rights reserved. | Privacy Policy For comments and questions, please email