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A Closer Look at Closed-End Funds

A Closer Look at Closed-End Funds

As an investor, you probably own mutual funds and have an understanding of how they work. However, you may not have considered that the vast majority of mutual funds are open-end funds that don’t restrict the number of shares but rather issue and redeem them in response to investor demand.1 You might want to expand […]

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Setting the Stage for Retirement Income

Setting the Stage for Retirement Income

In a 2012 survey, 73% of annuity owners said annuity investments are a critical part of their retirement funding strategies, and 63% said market volatility makes them more likely to consider buying an annuity.¹ When saving for retirement, some workers who are concerned about stock market volatility may turn to fixed-income investments, but the current […]

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A Legacy with a Special Purpose

A Legacy with a Special Purpose

According to the 2010 census, people with special needs make up nearly 20% of the U.S. population.¹ Furthermore, nearly 20 million American families are raising children with disabilities.² Taking care of a loved one with special needs can be an expensive proposition. For example, the lifetime care of a child with autism could cost an […]

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Understanding Beneficiary Designations

Understanding Beneficiary Designations

A will is a good starting point to help ensure that your assets are passed on to your heirs according to your wishes. However, it’s also important to specify beneficiaries for financial accounts and insurance policies on the appropriate forms, which may supersede instructions in a will. In any document distributing assets to your heirs, […]

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How Much Do You Need To Save?

How Much Do You Need To Save?

One common rule of thumb in developing a retirement savings strategy is that your accumulated savings and other sources of income will need to replace about 80% of your pre-retirement income. This assumes that retirees may be able to maintain their standard of living with less income because their taxes could be lower, there would […]

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Bouncing Back: The Recovering Housing Market

Bouncing Back: The Recovering Housing Market

The collapse of the U.S. housing market helped drive the economy into the worst recession since the Great Depression. Unlike previous recessions, however, the housing sector lagged as the broader economy began to grow, holding back what might have been a stronger recovery. That may be changing. Residential fixed investment — a measure of private […]

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What Is Term Life Insurance?

What Is Term Life Insurance?

Term life insurance is “pure” insurance. It offers protection only for a specific period of time. If you die within the time period defined in the policy, the insurance company will pay your beneficiaries the face value of your policy. Term insurance differs from the permanent forms of life insurance, such as whole life, universal […]

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